Between 3 of June until 12 of June the training at Hilti Stockholm will be runned by Jason Gagnon. Read more about Jason:
The seminar weeks are funded by membership fees and are included in the regular training fee. We welcome other Hilti clubs to attend, speak to your club about participation.
Saturday 11/6 a seminar witch is open to everyone regardless of club affiliation. The time is 2:00 p.m. to 17:00 and it costs 300 SEK.
Hilti Stockholm, Årsta Skolgränd 8, Stockholm
Free for members of Årstaberg Hilti and Hilti Clubs participating in our chip in system.
Fri 3/6 12-13 BJJ, 17:30 to 19:30 BJJ
Sat 4/6 14-17 BJJ
Sun 5/6 16-19 BJJ
Mon 6/6 12-13 BJJ, 18:30 to 20:30 BJJ
Tis 7/6 BJJ 12-13, 18-20 BJJ
Wed 8/6 12-13 SW, SW 18:30 to 20:30
Thur 9/6 BJJ 12-13, 18-20 BJJ
Fri 10/6 12-13 BJJ, 17:30 to 19:30 BJJ
Sat 11/6 14-17 BJJ Open seminar, free for all Hilti Stockholm and Hilti Clubs who has chippat in. 300 kr for others.
Sun 12/6 16-19 BJJ, Only for Hilti Stockholm instructors